
The Scope and the key areas of the work of the Commission for Youth (CCBI) will be the promotion and encouragement of Catholic youth in their understanding of their Faith and Vocation, and their personal commitment to Catholic values. In particular, The Commission focuses on the holistic growth of the Catholic youth and on their ensuing commitment towards the Church and the larger society in India.
CCBI Youth Commission strives to animate the young people of India to be transforming leaders firmly founded on Catholic faith.
The CCBI National Youth Commission emphasizes on the three fold point of importance in animating the youth of India -

  • That the Commission helps the youth to discover that Jesus is their Way, their Truth and their Life.
  • That the Commission enables the young people to discover their faith and thus secularize the world (transform the world by being the agents of Change)
  • That the Commission enables the youth to discover their true Catholic identity, thus become best humans like Jesus

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