The ICYM Logo is round in shape depicting all young people encircled together in faith and unity. The half white & half black background depicts all are one and equal, irrespective of caste, color, culture or language.

The 14 stars depict the 14 ecclesial regional ICYMs across India that collaborates the movement and youth ministry to the grassroot levels. The moto of ICYM “To Lead, To Serve, To Shine” is written circumferences the letters I.C.Y.M. which symbolizes the ethos of the movement that must reflect in all young people.

The ‘I’ Stands for “Indian”, it shows a torch in green colour with an orange flame. Green colour depicts the richness of India in culture and religions. Green also means life – that the Church is alive in India, and that Youth are dynamic partners of the Church in bringing light to the world. Orange symbolizes warmth, a feeling of openness and friendliness.

The letter ‘C’ stands for Catholic, our faith, which is in the center of the logo, C also stands for Christ who is the center of everything. Though we belong to different states and cultures C symbolizes the One in whom our faith is rooted, it carves over the Y symbolizing Christ who loves, protects and embraces all young people.

The letter ‘Y’ stands for Youth, a youth holding the green torch (“i”) to eradicate darkness of corruption, communalism and social challenges like Unemployment, depression, poverty & displacement.

The fourth letter ‘M’ stands for ‘Movement’, that is continuous, dynamic, constructive and person-oriented.

The whole ICYM is written in free hand style text, symbolizing freedom and liberation of young people, and is encircled by moto of ICYM, which binds us together in one common mission.

Designed and co-ordinated by Roshan Alexander [Ideas contributed by Francis Kohli (Vasai), Vijay Bhudev and Richard Joy (Bathinda), YesuDass (Kolkata), Fr. Joel D’Cunha, Sr. Mary Lobo, Fr. Alwyn D’Souza, Sr. Maria Sangma, National Council Meeting VII (Feb 2002) and National Council Meeting VIII (Sept 2002)

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