Holistic Model of the Youth Ministry = I.C.Y.M.
With the formation of ICYM the "Enlightened Youth leading Youth" along with the Animators, has become all the more possible. You may opt for some or all the following activities and gradually develop an integral approach to various challenges emerging daily:
- Educational Area - Literacy and Adult Literacy Campaign, Career Guidance, programs on Personality Development, Social Awareness, Inter Personal Skills, etc.
- Cultural Avenue - Dance, Drama, Music, Sports activities along with fostering literary contribution, etc. (For example, getting enriched by the tribal culture.)
- Religious Field - To help Church leadership through study of the Sacred Scriptures and supporting SVP, Parish Council, SCC/SHCs, encouraging Inter-Religious Dialogue, etc.
- Social Sector - To see to the needs of the society around e.g. Communal Harmony, collaborating with NGOs and VOs for the issues like unemployment, environment, etc.
- Political Section - To bring about social change especially for the National Integration through leadership based on the Christian Values i.e. Justice and Peace.
- Media-Forum - To develop critical taste for Media (Print & Electronic) through study and direct involvement with the sole aim of social commitment i.e. R & D Dept.
- Exchange Programs Group - To get enriched by the programs which cross the barriers of caste, class, creed, colour, gender, language, region, religion, state and nation.
Interpretations of ICYM
- ‘Indian’ means a person of Indian nationality. The jurisdiction of ICYM shall extend to the whole of the Indian union, divided into regions and dioceses as determined by the governing body.
- ‘Catholic’ means the baptized persons of the Catholic Church. It also means “universal”, in the sense of “according to the totality” or “in keeping with the whole” meaning “broad minded”, “all embracing”.(Cfr. Catechism of the Catholic Church Nos. 830 – 831)
- ‘Youth’ means a young person (male and female) between 18 and 30 years. The beneficiaries shall be all Catholic Youth, no one excluded (Cfr. Synod on Youth 2018)
- ‘Movement’ means a group of people, who share the same beliefs, visions, or aims; are united by the inspiration & spirituality of a leader; and have the responsibility to pass on the torch to others. In our context, it works as an animating organisation networking with Parishes via Regions and Dioceses.