Goal of ICYM A+ A-

To foster and promote Christian Youth Leadership for a New India.

Target Groups

  • Youth (18 to 30 years)
  • Youth Animators and Directors i.e. Priests, Religious, Lay (Appointed by Bishops)
  • Lay Youth Workers (Senior Youth or Committed Laity)
  • Enlightened Inter-Religious Youth Leaders (e.g. Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, etc.)

Down The Memory Lane

  • UN declared the year 2010-11 as International year of Youth. The youth commission participated and also organized many programs. The young Indians were among youth representatives from 20 Nations to prepare a “Magna Carta of Values” at this year's World Youth Parliament in New York from August 11 to 13, 2010.
  • The following year, on January 12, 2011, ICYM launched “Jago Yuva Bhrat”- a Yatra from Kanyakumari to Kashmir, on the theme “Youth for Peace and Harmony through Dialogue and Mutual Understanding”. The Yatra was for 61 days and it covered 18 states, 367 districts, 4000 villages, 100 institutes, 150 public programs and travelled above 14,000 km.The 5th ICYM National Youth Ministry Consultation was held at Nagpur from July 7- 11, 2011 with the Regional Chairman, RYD, RYLA, DYD, DYLA and the National Council members in which the new National Youth Pastoral plan “Journey to the Kingdom” was released. And ICYM website www.icym.net was hosted.
  • Fr. Philip Franky D'Souza (Fr Franklin), from the Diocese of Shimoga, Karnataka Region is appointed as the new Secretary to the CBCI Office for Youth and National Director for ICYM in August 2011.
  • Ninth national youth convention was held from October 5 – 12, 2013 at Trinity College, Jalandhar Diocese of Northern Region. The theme of the Convention was transformed by Faith Transforming the World.
  • During the 31st CBCI General Body Meeting held at Palai on February 5 – 12, 2014 Rev. Henry D'Souza, Bishop of Bellary was appointed as the new chairman of CBCI Office for Youth.
  • Sixth National Youth Ministry Consultation was held on June 9 – 10, 2015 at KROSS, Bangalore. The National Chairman Rev. Henry D'Souza and Member Bishop Rev. Mar Joseph Pandarasseril, Rev. Fr. Franklyn D'Souza, CBCI Office for Youth Secretary, Rev. Fr. Charles YCS/YSM Chaplain, RYD, RYLA, DYD, DYLA, NEXCOs and Rev. Fr. Deepak Thomas KJ OCD Designate Secretary for CBCI Council for Youth Participated.
  • Rev. Fr. Deepak Thomas KJ OCD, belonging to the Karnataka Goa Carmelite province took charge as the new Secretary for CBCI Council for Youth on August 15, 2015.
  • July 26 to 31, 2016 CBCI Council for Youth participated in the World youth day held in Poland. There were 170 participants from all over India belong to all three rites.
  • The tenth National Youth Convention was held on January 18 – 22, 2017 at St. Joseph Engineering College, Mangalore. The theme of the convention Touched by Jesus walking His way. There were almost 3000 youth participated in this convention and on the final day there were 6000 youths.
  • Under the banner of CBCI Council for Youth 70 youth from all over India participated in the 7th Asian Youth Day held at Jogjakarta in Indonesia from July 30 to August 2, 2017. The theme of the AYD “Joyful Asian Youth Living the Gospel in Multicultural Asia”
  • In the 33rd CBCI General Body Meeting held in Bangalore Rev. Franco Mulakkal was appointed as the new chairman of CBCI Council for Youth.
  • In the year 2017, ICYM was incorporated under Conference of Catholic Bishops of India – CCBI Youth Commission (the now Episcopal conference of India) with Most. Rev. Franco Mulakkal as its Chairman and Fr. Chetan Machado as the Executive Secretary as well as Director of ICYM.
  • In 2018, the first National Team of Office Bearers of ICYM was elected on 13 January 2018 at Bangalore, after its transition to CCBI.
  • In 2018, ICYM delegated its NEXCO members – Mr. Percival Holt (President), Mr. Paul Jose (Secretary) & Ms. Shilpa Ekka (Treasurer) to the preparatory meeting of the Synod on Youth (2018) at Rome. Later Mr. Percival Holt (NYP) was appointed by Pope Francis as an auditor at the Synod on Youth, thus representing all the youth of India and Asian continent.
  • In 2019, Most. Rev. Soosai Nazarene of Kottar Diocese was elected the Chairman of CCBI Youth Commission, ex-officio CBCI Youth Council.
  • The NEXCO of ICYM and CCBI Youth Commission later in 2019 approved the new bye-laws of ICYM, for implementation and use across the country.
  • ICYM launched annual National Youth Conference, a formation programme for Youth leaders of all Dioceses (500 in total), the first was held at New Delhi in October 2018 and thereafter second at Hyderabad in October 2019.

The CCBI Youth Commission was officially set up by the Executive Committee of CCBI held on 22 April 2008 at New Delhi. Most Rev. Cyprian Monis, Bishop of Asansol became the first Chairman of the CCBI Youth Commission. By the establishment of the CCBI Youth Commission, all the regional and diocesan Youth Commissions and all the youth movements and organizations (involving the Latin catholic youth) come under the CCBI Youth Commission.

CBCI Youth Commission was asked to change its name and it became “CBCI Youth Council” in 2010. The CBCI Youth Council has only therefore a coordinating role of the three ritual Church's youth bodies. Canonically’ formation and animation of young people of the Latin Catholic Church in India and all the youth movements and youth organizations involving the Latin catholic youth comes under the purview of the CCBI National Youth Commission.

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