Synod on Youth 2018 A+ A-

#No File Name Tools
1 final-document-of-the-synod-of-bishops-on-young-people--faith-an View / Download
2 Synod of Bishops_ Letter from the Synod...s to Young People print - Vatican News View / Download
3 Synod 2018_ the gift of young people update by Fr. Giacomo View / Download
4 AsiaNews - Young Indian at the Synod_ more than mobile phones, the desire to find ourselves View / Download
5 Instrumentum laboris YOUTH SYNOD View / Download
6 intervention of Percival View / Download
7 Press Conference - Vatican (october 11) PERCIVAL View / Download

What is the Synod of Bishops?
The Synod of Bishops is a permanent institution of the Catholic Church.
It was established by Pope Paul VI in 1965, shortly after the close of
the Second Vatican Council, to continue the spirit of collegiality and
communion that was present at the Council. The Synod is an assembly of
bishops from around the world who assist the Holy Father by providing
counsel on important questions facing the Church in a manner that
preserves the Church’s teaching and strengthens her internal discipline.

Who represents INDIA at the Synod?
The Conference of Catholic Bishops of India is represented by bishop delegates
and Mr. Percival Holt, ICYM National President.

The bishop delegates are:
Osward Cardinal Gracias, Archdiocese of Mumbai, President of the CCBI
Bishop Jayarao Polimera, Bishop of Eluru; Member bishop, Youth
Bishop Henry D’Souza, Bishop of Bellary; Member bishop, Youth
Bishop Sebastian, Bishop of Vijaypuram, Kerala
Bishop John Barwa, Archbisop of Cuttack Bhuvaneshwar

What will be discussed at the Synod?
The focus for the 2018 Synod is “Young People, the Faith, and Vocational
.” Discussion topics will emerge from the Preparatory
Document. . . , Pre-Synodal Meeting Final Document. . . , and the
Instrumentum Laboris. . . .

What is meant by “young people”?
The term “young people,” as defned by the Synod, are those ages 16
to 29, which includes youth (adolescents) and young adults (collegians
and above).

What is meant by “vocations”?
According to the Synod, “vocations” is one’s calling in life, and includes
marriage, consecrated life, and ordained priesthood, and in a broader
sense, also focuses on the discernment of all life choices in youth and
young adulthood

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