Synodality A+ A-

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Synodality is not a concept, nor a methodology or representations of different groups, neither is it a democratic style of functioning BUT a journeying together (everyone included). The Synod would be a mere meeting if it were just representation of the church hierarchy. What makes it synodal is a journeying together, accompanying one another on the road to finding the path ahead.

  • For ex: In a small working group, there is a debate on a sensitive matter pertaining to young people’s perception. Suddenly, a Bishop says “why are we debating so much. Let’s ask the young people the reality & opinion of their peers on the matter” and then opinion is taken into consideration and reported. Now that is synodality, where it is not just the ones in authority or experts who speak, but making everyone’s experiences count.


  • During the Youth Synod, some of our young friends were asked to assist the Bishop Secretary in drafting the report of group discussions, because they wanted it to be youthful and represent the mind of diverse people and not just the perception of Bishops. Though not the norm, it was considered valuable.There would be times, we discussed and debated to understand the different opinions (bishops, priests, nuns & youth) over lunch, after dinner, at a restaurant. We sang, danced and drank together – making us not colleagues but a family


  • Now that is a tip to the understanding of synodality. It must make the members of the church a family above a hierarchical organization.


Synodality in India

In India we have been working on such a concept for the past few decades i.e. the inclusion of laity, nuns, women and youth at various levels and decision making, bound by POLICIES & norms.However, the need now is to make it the style of the Church where everyone become partakers in her mission.

  • Laity respect a priest and nun equally. At times, there is a feeling among priests that nuns enjoy better favour of the people.
  • In youth ministry, at least since past 20 years, there have been structures and policies. A Commission under the Bishops conference, Regional youth commissions in 14 regions across the country and Diocesan youth commissions across all dioceses with a synodal structure.  
    • Bishop Chairman
    • Priest Director
    • Nun Lady Animator
    • Lay Coordinators/ Advisors
    • Youth Leaders (equal men & women) – President, Vice President, Secretaries, Treasurer.
  • Approved by the Bishops Conference for the whole Nation upto Parish Level.
  • Decision making lies in the hands of the entire team (religious & youth together).
  • The President (a young person) heads the ministry at each level.
  • The young people plan and execute programmes and projects, ratified by the clergy & Bishop.
  • On returning from the Synod, I along with the National team of young people travelled across India to regions, dioceses, parishes, institutions everywhere, not only to share about the Synod but to tell young people that it is now “their responsibility” to take the ministry forward, using ChristusVivitas a guide and it continues.
  • We changed and modified our statutes & policies on youth ministry to make it more Synodal with young people taking up charge of “youth ministry” because it is not the “clergy’s ministry
  • We were able to get a National Centre in New Delhi, where full timer youth volunteers stay for the coordination of youth ministry and formation of youth.

Challenges of Synodality.

  • Lack of accompaniment
  • Generation/ mindset difference
  • Empowerment turning into arrogance
  • Loss of vision
  • Understanding the other’s experiences
  • Mistaking it for Democratic working style
  • A great renewal in the culture and style of the Church
  • Equal interest by Church authorities (Bishops and Clergy) to implement changes.
  • It Requires
  • Humility
  • Effective collaboration
  • Appreciation of one another
  • Shared/ co-responsible execution
  • Adjustment & sacrifice
  • A vision of communion, participation and mission

Young people as protagonists

  1. It has to be ‘us’ who take it forward. Synod was not the end of an ‘analysis’ but the beginning of a ‘new journey’ for which each one of us here is responsible.
  2. Synodality not only means demanding rights but also training young people to take up responsibilities and then be dedicated to it.

I recall an instance when I and my team took a stand against some of our fellow young leaders who were not sincere to their duties. Synodality is not just about finding faults in the other segments of the ecclesial fraternity but also discovering where we ourselves falter and then begin from there first.

  1. I recall another occasion, where our Director could not travel for an important matter and so he would ask me or another to do so. This act of synodal decision making happens with sincerity, failing which a system is forced to revert to autocratic leadership.
  2. For mega events, it is important for young people to first realise their strengths and weaknesses, and thereafter take up responsibilities accordingly. Alternatively, we must have trainings on soft skills, leadership &formation to equip young people for the task.
  3. Mixed meetings & interactions (with representatives from all sections of ecclesial life) is essential in building a synodal group that later works for a purpose. Isolated groups with a particular mindset blocks the space for synodal growth to happen.
  4. The pandemic has made us realise the importance of keeping up with times. In this area, young people are ahead or as we say “techy” and so this resource must be explored. Allow young people to suggest newer ways of doing things.



Ref: CV 203, 204, 206

I want to state clearly that young people themselves areagents of youth ministry. Certainly they need to be helped andguided, but at the same time left free to develop new approaches,with creativity and a certain audacity. I am more concerned withhelping young people to use their insight, ingenuity and knowledge to address the issuesand concerns of other young people in their own language.


The young make us see the need for new styles and new
strategies. Youth ministry has to be synodal; it should involve a
journeying together” that values “the charisms that the Spirit
bestows in accordance with the vocation and role of each of
the Church’s members, through a process of co-responsibility

- by Percival Holt

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