Pilgrimage of Trust and Reconciliation - Hong Kong

The Taize Community organised a pilgrimage of Trust and Reconciliation at Hong Kong from 8th to 12th August 2018. Young adults from all over the world met in North-east Asia, where the aspiration for peace and the need for reconciliation is ever growing. Together, young people from various nationalities sought paths of hope and sought to renew their commitment toward making our world a better place for all. Over 2000 young people participated in this pilgrimage.
Pilgrimage began on 8th August 2018 at the Cathedral of St. John’s in central Hong Kong with the evening prayer. Ambience was created to have a beautiful experience of prayer. Taize prayer have two aims: to live in communion with God through prayer and to be a leaven of peace and trust in the midst of the human family. The evening prayer was led by Bro Alois in prayer, singing, silence and reflection.
For the next four days, it was an opportunity to rediscover an inner peace, a meaning to life and a new impetus. Experiencing a simple life shared with others reminds us that daily life is the place where Christ is waiting for us.
The Conference of Catholic Bishops of India was represented by a delegation led by Fr. Chetan Machado, Executive Secretary of the National Youth Commission. Thirty-eight youth along with some animators participated in the pilgrimage from all over the country.

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