Work Pressure and Happiness

God overlooks our faults and yet loves us unconditionally. Can we not look beyond other’s faults and still love them?
We, the youth of today, live a life filled with hopes, dreams, ambitions and means to achieve them. We live in a materialistic & selfish world, where we want to fulfill our needs and find contentment in this. Little do we think of those around us or our ability to nurture other’s lives by our ways.
By this, I do not mean only being charitable or reaching out to the poor, sick or the handicapped. I mean nurturing and encouraging people you meet every day; your friends, family or even colleagues.
It is a constant struggle for youth to achieve heights, be competitive and excel in all spheres of life. Now this is surely a great thing to do; no one would like to end up unsuccessful in his life. However we need to sit back and think of how we can achieve our dreams without negative competition or at the cost of someone else.

Work Pressure and Happiness

Sometimes when work pressure is high and is in a demanding environment, we all tend to become selfish and focus on our own happiness. It happens to everyone and it is not wrong till you are unaware. But the minute you look around and are cognizant of what’s happening around you, you will find a million opportunities to lend a helping hand.
It could be as simple as saying “good morning” to your watchman or office clerk. You never know what the person is going through; may be your greeting will lighten up their day. Always greet your colleagues however busy your schedule might be; this works as a breath of fresh air and it takes not less than 5 seconds.

Maintaining relationship at workplace

If you have a tiff with your boss or fellow colleague, try not to react by getting upset with the person; as this would be an impulsive reaction and is definitely not God’s way. Instead, try to understand how the issue can be resolved. Keep work relations professional; do not mix emotions with it. It is immensely important to have complete control over your emotions.
Forgive, forgive, and forgive. It takes a strong personality to display anger publically; it takes a stronger one to forgive someone who has hurt you immensely. Pray for those that give you a hard time; this is God’s love in action.
Be assertive, not aggressive. Convey your message politely & not rudely or angrily; anger does not come from God.
Always remember, we are all filled with God’s love in our hearts. This love is overflowing; we just got to make use of it. Do not let a proud or cruel or disrespectful individual dampen your spirits. It is with them that you must display your humility and modesty the most. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

Leading by example and love

As Christian youth, during this year of faith, we all have a big responsibility of leading by example. God gives us opportunities all through the day; we just need to start looking at our lives through His eyes. Do not be a person who is always looking for ways to get upset, to argue, to get offended, and to stay offended. When we learn to walk in the love of God, we are not easily offended. Offense is a choice and we simply choose not to get offended and if we ever get to the point where we get upset, we quickly deal with the matter and move on. Those who walk in love are people that are quick to forgive, slow to take offense, and never looking to cause problems.
Being a humble & an encouraging person is not a difficult task. Think of it, all we will end up doing is leading a fulfilling life & at the same time pleasing God.
Go ahead & start putting these words into action from today.
Roxanne Saldanha, an MBA in HR & Marketing, is currently working at Fidelity Investments in the HR Talent Development space. Her interests include making creative hand-made articles, singing & dancing and extent great support to charitable organizations.

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