Catechesis & Youth Formation

The Conference was represented by the Executive Secretary and a team of four members. This programme was held at Nonthaburi, Thailand from 7th March to 15th March 2018. Delegates from nine Asian and African countries participated in this Exchange Programme.

PRE SYNOD MEETING, Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment:

CCBI Commission for youth selected three office bearers to represent the CCBI at pre synod meeting along with two other youth from different communities. Mr. Percival Holt, Mr. Paul, and Ms. Shilpa were sent to Rome to attend the pre-synod meeting. Mr. Sandeep and Mr. Inderjit from Vasai and Punjab respectively were chosen from Hindu and Sikh communities.

BILA IV on Youth

BILA IV on youth was organised by the FABC from 9th July till 13th July. The meeting started with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 6:00 pm on 9th July followed by dinner and opening ceremony. Tan and Dome the members of the local Thai Youth Team welcomed the gathering followed by an ice breaker,” THE BILA BINGO”.
On behalf of the Mahatai Centre H.E Bishop Joel Baylon, the chairman of the FABC Youth Desk welcomed the gathering, Fr. Gutsavo, the executive secretary of FABC welcomed the gathering to the meeting. He shared the purpose of the BILA IV and spoke on elements needed for the empowerment of the youth. Day 1 of the meeting ended with the formation of the drafting committee.
The following morning began with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 6:00 am followed by breakfast. The first session of the day was on the Preparatory Document of the Synod of Bishops by H.E Bishop Baylon. After a short break, day 2 continued with the next session where the 5 delegates who had participated in the Pre-Synod meeting which was held in Rome earlier this year, were invited to share their experience.
H.E Bishop Baylon continued his session on the topic – Preparatory Document of the Synod of Bishops. The session ended by taking group pictures.
The next session for the day started at 3:00 pm with an action song. The Catholic Organisation for Youth in Asia (COYA) took over the 3rd session. The gathering was divided into four groups and each group was explained about the activities of COYA, some were – FIMCAP and Youth for Christ. After a short break the last session of the day was the Post AYD7 Presentation taken by the youth of Indonesia.
An hour of Taize prayer was conducted in the evening followed by dinner. The drafting committee had a meeting to discuss on the reflections of the day’s program.
Day 3 continued with the Evaluating session where the youth of different countries came forward and presented the situation of the youth and the challenges they face in their country.
The evening continued with the Taize prayer followed by dinner and the meeting of the draft committee for the final message.
The first session of the day was taken up by Jasmine Maria sharing her experience at the Pre -Synod meeting. The Youth of Thailand took over by presenting the situation of the youth in Thailand.
After a short break the next session was on the regional discussion on the programs conducted.
Post lunch, The Indian team presented on the AYD8 which was followed by the final message delivered by Fr. Gutsavo. After Taize prayer an d dinner, the Thai team had organised a cultural program. 3 teams were formed and each team put up some cultural events. It was an evening with fun and joy where everyone got along and thanked each other for having a great time in the last few days.

Pilgrimage of Trust and Reconciliation - Hong Kong

The Taize Community organised a pilgrimage of Trust and Reconciliation at Hong Kong from 8th to 12th August 2018. Young adults from all over the world met in North-east Asia, where the aspiration for peace and the need for reconciliation is ever growing. Together, young people from various nationalities sought paths of hope and sought to renew their commitment toward making our world a better place for all. Over 2000 young people participated in this pilgrimage.
Pilgrimage began on 8th August 2018 at the Cathedral of St. John’s in central Hong Kong with the evening prayer. Ambience was created to have a beautiful experience of prayer. Taize prayer have two aims: to live in communion with God through prayer and to be a leaven of peace and trust in the midst of the human family. The evening prayer was led by Bro Alois in prayer, singing, silence and reflection.
For the next four days, it was an opportunity to rediscover an inner peace, a meaning to life and a new impetus. Experiencing a simple life shared with others reminds us that daily life is the place where Christ is waiting for us.
The Conference of Catholic Bishops of India was represented by a delegation led by Fr. Chetan Machado, Executive Secretary of the National Youth Commission. Thirty-eight youth along with some animators participated in the pilgrimage from all over the country.



Pastoral Guidelines for the Celebration of World Youth Day in the Particular Churches

The Youth Office of the Dicastery for Laity, Family, Life of the Holy See has released the "Pastoral Guidelines for the Celebration of World Youth Day in the Particular Churches" for the National & Diocesan World Youth Day celebrations on the Annual Feast of Christ the King.


An experience of faith and vocational discernment, a personal encounter between pastors and young people (not only those involved in the life of the Church), an opportunity to discover and put into practice the protagonism of the younger generations - these are some of the various dimensions of the local edition of WYD, highlighted in the "Pastoral Guidelines for the Celebration of World Youth Day in the Particular Churches" that were presented today at the Vatican Press Office.

The document, prepared by the Dicastery for the Laity, the Family and Life and approved by the Holy Father Pope Francis, is intended "for the Bishops' Conferences, the Synods of the Patriarchal and Major Archbishop's Churches, dioceses/eparchies, ecclesial movements and associations and, last but not least, for young people all over the world, so that the 'diocesan/eparchial WYD' may be lived fully as a moment of celebration 'for young people' and 'with young people'."

"We firmly believe that the international WYD and its local counterpart are mutually enriching. The international dimension broadens the horizons of young people and opens them to universal brotherhood. The local WYD, because of its geographical and physical proximity, can more easily generate a commitment in young people that will change the face of the society in which they live and increase their sense of belonging”, explains the Secretary of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life, Fr. Alexandre Awi Mello.

The first young people who read the document welcomed it as a message of closeness and encouragement from the Church, which the world of youth today is in great need of.

"How many young people, as the text of the Guidelines says, would not come for a prayer in church but would be willing to participate in a pilgrimage experience, walking and discovering together, forming new friendships and sharing moments of joy!" - emphasises Maria Lisa Abu Nassar, a young person from Nazareth.

World Youth Day was born in 1985 from the prophetic intuition of John Paul II. Every year since then, it has been celebrated at the diocesan level on Palm Sunday. Until November 22, 2020, the Solemnity of Christ the King of the Universe, Pope Francis announced that, beginning in 2021, the local celebration of WYD would be linked to Christ the King Sunday - a change that underscores and reaffirms the intention that has animated WYD since its inception: to gather young people around the person of Jesus Christ, Redeemer of mankind.

IYCS International Council - Fatima

International Young Christian Students—International Council—9–10 August 2023

The International Council meeting was held in Fatima soon after the World Youth Day celebration. Fr. Chetan Machado and Adv. Antony Judy participated in the meeting. Adv. Antony was elected to the presidium to conduct the IC meeting.

IYCS Asian Session - Thailand

15th IYCS Asian Session and Council, Chiang Mai, Thailand, September 3–8, 2023

The 15th Asian Session and Council of YCS was held in Chiang Mai, Thailand, from September 3–8, 2023. Mr. Anson Nazareth, National Convenor, and Mr. Vance from the Karnataka region attended the session along with Fr. Chetan, National Chaplain. This session was held to elect a new team at the Asian level and plan for future activities.

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